•  July 18 - July 20
     6:00 pm - 12:00 pm

Our Team Camp offers High School teams the chance to learn new skills, team offensive/defensive systems, and a unique opportunity to train together in preparation for the upcoming season.  The camp will focus on individual skills as well as team drills.

We are accepting freshman, JV, and varsity teams with a minimum of eight players per team.  There are a limited number of spaces available so be sure to send in your deposits early.  All teams are required to have a coach/chaperone with them during the day as well as in the dorms at night if they are overnight campers.


  • July 18-20: Friday, 6-9pm — Saturday, 9am-9pm — Sunday, 9am-12pm
  • Check-in for the Team Camp runs from 4:00-6:00pm on July 18.  Camp ends at noon on July 20.
  • Commuting campers need to be picked up at 9:00pm on July 18 & 19 and dropped off between 8:30-9:00am on July 19 & 20.
  • Check-out for all campers will be at 12:00pm on July 20 at the dorm.

Overnight Camper Meals

  • All meals will be provided while at camp starting with breakfast on July 19. Campers should eat dinner before starting camp on July 18.

Commuting Camper Meals

  • Campers should each dinner prior to arriving on July 18 as well as breakfast on the other days. We will provide lunch and dinner on July 19.

**All teams get one free coach. Additional coaches will be charged $115 for room and meals.

Details Price Qty
Overnight Campershow details + $425.00 USD  
Commuter Campershow details + $375.00 USD  
Additional Coachshow details + $115.00 USD  


151 Sixth Street. NW, Atlanta, Georgia